
Jamaica, One Love (Englisch): Ulrike Dietmann

Viola has nothing left to lose. Her husband and children died in a car accident. Since then, the writer has not written a line. Trying to find serenity, she books a lonely cottage at the Jamaican ocean front. Destiny wants her to meet Patrick, a charismatic businessman and Daniel, a truly Jamaican horse trainer. The unique beauty of the Caribbean island, the blessed people, their hard struggle and the encounters with the two so different men give her life a completely new turn. Little by little she finds love again – in a place where Viola would never have expected it.

ISBN: 978-3-946435-82-2
Seiten: 312
Maße und Beschnitt: 14,8 x 21 cm
Gewicht: 453g
Produktionszeit: 5 Werktage
Preis: 19,90 Euro

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